Start of GSoC 2018: Community Bonding Period
Community Bonding Period: April 24 — May 14, 2018
I started with GSoC on 24 April. I made contact with my mentors. I came to know that my primary mentor is Huijian Lv, littleowen and Mark Turner. I am talking to them since then. They also created a slack team for this year’s GSoC projects.
CWRU HPC Accounts
All students under Red Hen Lab were given access to HPC cluster at CWRU. Prof. Mark Turner asked us some details and our RSA public keys. In one or two days, our accounts were ready. Initially, I faced some problems while making a login into HPC cluster (password problems 😉). But after some days, that problem also resolved.
It turns out that the RedCat cluster is going away at the end of this month. So we finally use the Rider cluster ( instead.
CynthiaHsus-MacBook-Pro:~ suwi$ ssh
Last login: Tue May 8 13:44:37 2018 from
sxx186@redhen1:~$ ssh
Last login: Mon Apr 30 15:02:00 2018 from
[sxx186@hpclogin ~]$ cd /mnt/rds/redhen01/redhen/
[sxx186@hpclogin redhen]$ ls
home tv
[sxx186@hpclogin redhen]$ cd home
[sxx186@hpclogin home]$ ls
axd500 dxc496 exs449 hxx124 kxs784 naa56 skv19 sxk1195 vlt6
axh617 dxl574 fxs161 ixg82 lxr181 pxu17 stg32 sxk1299 vma15
axs1559 dxp329 gxs393 jxj442 mbt8 rxs926 sxa684 sxt313 wxl430
cxt283 ekj9 hxs503 kxs675 mxp523 skr63 sxg755 sxx186 zxx302
Chinese pipeline
To go to a particular day, issue “day” with the date or the number of days ago:
day + 5
day - 30
To navigate between dates, use:
module load ffmpeg
for DAY in {08..31} ; do day 2018–01-$DAY ; for FIL in *_CN_*.txt ; do echo $FIL ; grep 'DUR|' $FIL ; ffprobe ${FIL%.*}.mp4 ; done ; done
View all the files related to Chinese Pipeline:
mbt8@dtn1 /mnt/rds/redhen01/redhen/tv/2018/2018–01 $ ls */*_CN_* -d
Deep Speech 2
My GSoC project is an extension to DeepSpeech2 on PaddlePaddle.
- The first work in the future for me is to understand and run existing code in my system: Practice on DeepSpeech2 Project using PaddlePaddle.
- Another work which should be accomplished is to download the training data from the server.
Now the bonding period is over, and coding has started. I am strictly following my timeline, as proposed by me during GSoC application period (given on my proposal). I will be talking about the first week very soon. The first week gets over on 21 May. Till then, happy coding and cheers.